Tuesday, November 18, 2008

woe is me

I am not meant to be in a relationship. It's not sad so don't pity me, it's just a fact. Whenever one ends I'm amazed to realize how much I like myself and like being alone. When most people get dumped they spend a lot of time wondering why. What was wrong with me? They moan, Why didn't he like me? I'm like this: "Oh wait, this is me? Long time no see, I forgot how awesome you are!"

But seriously, I love being alone. I love not having to tell anyone in the world where I am or what I'm doing. I love not having to do dishes or clean if I don't want to. I love flaking out on plans with no explanation, deciding to do things on a whim without having to consult with a significant other, staying up until 2:00 in the morning watching Veronica Mars, or going to bed at 7:30 if I feel like it.

Does that mean I don't ever want to find someone to settle down with? No. I just have it pretty good right now. I might settle down someday, but I'll never just settle.


Unknown said...

V. Mars is awesome. Although season 3 was terrible.

Anonymous said...

Not everyone has the luxury of being okay with themselves. I think you're pretty lucky, as odd as that sounds.

googoobeans said...

Dan, yes it was. Season One is TV perfection.

M, thanks! I agree.

shawn said...

Amen! well, maybe not Amen for us non-believers. lol! But, I totally agree....